Delivery Policy :

Our business uses a flexible delivery system that gives clients the freedom to select from a variety of delivery options. Customers may choose to use third-party delivery services to receive their orders instead of coming to our facility to pick them up in person.

  • Delivery fees: A delivery fee will be charged for all delivery orders, which will vary based on the customer's location and the distance from the restaurant. We will provide transparent pricing information to customers prior to finalizing their orders.
  • Delivery time: We strive to ensure that all delivery orders are fulfilled within a reasonable time frame, while maintaining the quality of the food. Estimated delivery times will be communicated to customers at the time of ordering, and we will make every effort to meet these expectations.
  • Delivery tracking: Customers will be able to track the progress of their delivery orders in real-time, using the tracking information provided by the delivery service.
  • Delivery returns and refunds: In the unlikely event that a delivery order is incorrect or unsatisfactory, customers can contact us to request a refund or a replacement order.